Makan Book is a restaurant guide and application for diners in National University of Singapore (NUS). It allows users to write and view reviews for restaurants within NUS. Additionally, Users are able to interact with one another to create a more enjoyable experience.
Summary of contributions
Major Enhancement: Addition of friendship feature*
What it does: Users are able to add other users as friends, accept any existing friend requests as well as delete friends or friend requests.
Justification: This feature improves the product as users can now have a storage (such as phone number and email address) of the personal particulars of their friends.
Other enhancements: Addition of groups functionality (not my feature)*
What it does: Even though this is not my feature, a lot of code was implemented for groups. Users are able to create groups, add other users to groups, delete group requests that they have received and leave groups that they are part of.
Justification: This feature improves the functionality of the product as it allows for users to be grouped together much like creating groups in the real world (like Facebook or whatsapp).
Highlights: Groups feature was used by 3 other members/features - to split debt among members of the group, add all members of a group to a jio and find free dates among all members of the group.
Code contributed: [here]
Other contributions:
Managed releases
(4 releases) on GitHub -
Delete email across whole AddressBook4 for all Person classes (now Restaurant classes in Makan Book).
Enhancements to existing features:
Updated the GUI for displaying friends and groups
Did cosmetic tweaks to existing contents of the User Guide and Developer Guide
Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class (Examples: https://github.com/CS2103-AY1819S1-T16-1/main/issues/124 , https://github.com/CS2103-AY1819S1-T16-1/main/issues/111 , https://github.com/CS2103-AY1819S1-T16-1/main/issues/108)
Contributions to the User Guide
Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. |
Adding friends: addFriend
A User will send a friend request to another User who will then have to accept the friend request.
Format: addFriend u/USERNAME
addFriend u/meena567
Accept friend request: acceptFriend
A User can accept a friend request of another User so that the pair of them can become friends.
Format: acceptFriend u/USERNAME
acceptFriend u/meena567
Delete friend request: deleteFriendRequest
A User can delete friend request of another User whom they might not know.
Format: deleteFriendRequest u/USERNAME
deleteFriendRequest u/meena567
Delete friend: deleteFriend
A User can delete friend whom they may no longer want to be friends with.
Format: deleteFriend u/USERNAME
deleteFriend u/meena567
List friend requests: listFriendRequests
A User can list friend requests that they have received. Only the party that did not initiate the friend request will receive the friend request
Format: listFriendRequests
List friends: listFriends
A User can list their friends.
Format: listFriends
Adding groups: addGroup
A User will create a group by specifying the group name.
Format: addGroup g/GROUPNAME
addGroup g/CS2103
Adding members: addMembers
A User already in the group can add members to a particular group by specifying the group name and the usernames of the users they wish to add to that group.
Format: addMembers g/GROUPNAME [Users u/USERNAMES]…
addMembers g/CS2103 u/chelchia u/evanmok2401 u/katenhy u/yewwoei
Accepting group requests: acceptGroup
A User can accept the invitation to join a group.
Format: acceptGroup g/GROUPNAME
acceptGroup g/CS2103
Deleting group requests: deleteGroupRequest
A User can choose to delete the group request should they not want to join the group.
Format: deleteGroupRequest g/GROUPNAME
deleteGroupRequest g/CS2103
Deleting groups: deleteGroup
A User can leave a group and they will be removed from the group.
Format: deleteGroup g/GROUPNAME
deleteGroup g/CS2103
List group requests: listGroupRequests
A User can list group requests that they have received.
Format: listGroupRequests
List groups: listGroups
A User can list groups that they are a part of.
Format: listGroups
Contributions to the Developer Guide
Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. |
Adding, accepting and deleting friends and friend requests
Current Implementation for Friendships
Friendships can have two statuses - ACCEPTED and PENDING. User A can send a friend request to User B which would then store a friendship with User A as PENDING under User B alone. User B can choose to accept or delete the friend request. If User chooses to delete the friend request, the PENDING friendship under User B will be deleted. If User B chooses to accept the friend request, the friendship status will be changed from PENDING to ACCEPTED for User B and an identical friendship will be added to User A, the one who initiated the friendship.

Now moving on to deletion of friends. Assuming that two Users C and D are friends with each other, and User C deletes his or her friendship with User D. This would delete the friendship stored under both User C and User D even if User D did not initiate the deletion of friendship. It is also possible to list the existing list of friends (ACCEPTED) and friend requests (PENDING).
The Friendship class itself stores 'me' (currently logged in User), 'friendUser' (other party in the friendship), 'friendshipStatus' (status of the friendship) and 'initiatedBy' (which party the friendship was initiated by). There is a restriction such that the 'initiatedBy' must be either 'me' or 'friendUser'. A friendship is immutable once created. Friendships are stored as an XML element under users.xml with the four attributes mentioned above.
Why the current implementation for Friendships
The PENDING friendships are only stored under the User who did not initiate the friendship. This so that when the listFriendRequests command is called so as to allow the User to accept and delete the friend requests accordingly, it only makes sense for the User to see the friendships that they wish to accept or delete (i.e. friendships not initiated by them). Thus, friend requests are only stored under the User who did not initiate the friendship.
There are two separate lists for friendships - one for friend requests and one for friends. This is to aid the listing functions and avoid confusion by simplifying the friendships stored under User.
Exceptions and why they are thrown
There are several exceptions thrown for the friendship commands. An exception is thrown for all friendship commands should there be no User logged in currently. Specifically for the adding of friends (i.e. sending friend requests) a User cannot send a request to himself. Moreover, if the User has previously sent a request which has yet to be accepted by the other User, the initiating User cannot send another request. However, if the recipient User has deleted the friend request, then the initiating User is able to send a new friend request. A blocking feature is to be made in v2.0. Moreover, a User cannot send a friend request to another User with whom they are already friends with.
When it comes to accepting friendships, there are several exceptions thrown too. If the User tries to accept a friend request not in their list of friend requests an exception is thrown. Similarly, an exception is thrown if the User tries to delete a friend request not in their list of friend requests or a friend who is not in their list of friends.
Alternatives considered for Friendships
For a while, I considered storing all friendships (both friend requests and friends) in the same list. However, I decided against this as this made things potentially confusing especially for a new developer coming in to retrieve only friends or friend requests.
XML storage
Initially, I faced a problem balancing making the code more OOP (to preserve the true spirit of software engineering) and storing friendships as an XML element. XML elements only take in Strings and not objects. However to store friendships, the elements stored include Users ('friendUser', 'me' and 'initiatedBy'). Thus, I considered sacrificing the OOP-nature of Friendships as proposed above and instead merely storing usernames as strings for the User.
To get around this problem, a hashmap mapping Username to the User is passed to the class doing the XML storage and loading of Friendships. Thus, OOP is not sacrificed as User is still the data type of the attributes stored in Friendship and Friendships can be created from the XML element with the aid of the hashmap.
Initially, I considered asking the initiating User to enter all the information about the other User to add them as a friend. This is so that I would be able to construct the User from the the information provided. However, this would be too inconvenient for the User and thus the hashmap mentioned before was used.
Adding friends
Add a valid user as a friend
Prerequisites: User is logged in as meena567. meena567 is not already friends and has not sent a friend request to katespades
Test case:
addFriend u/katespades
Expected: Friend request sent to: katespades
Send a friend request to a user multiple times
Prerequisites: User is logged in as meena567. Have already sent a friend request previously to katespades which has not been accepted or deleted by katespades
Test case:
addFriend u/katespades
Expected: You have already sent friend request to this User
Send a friend request to a user who has sent a friend request to you previously
Prerequisites: User is logged in as meena567. meena567 has a friend request from katespades which has not been accepted yet by meena567.
Test case:
addFriend u/katespades
Expected: You have that user’s friend request. Please accept that request instead of adding them as a friend.
Send a friend request to a user who is already a friend
Prerequisites: User is logged in as meena567. meena567 is already friends with katespades.
Test case:
addFriend u/katespades
Expected: You are already friends with this user.
Accepting friends
Accepting a valid friend request
Prerequisites: User is logged in as meena567. meena567 has a friend request from katespades
Test case:
acceptFriend u/katespades
Expected: Successfully accepted friend request of: katespades
Accepting an invalid friend request
Prerequisites: User is logged in as meena567. meena567 does not have a friend request from katespades
Test case:
acceptFriend u/katespades
Expected: Sorry, that user is not in your friend requests' list.
Deleting friend requests
Deleting a valid friend request
Prerequisites: User is logged in as meena567. meena567 has a friend request from katespades
Test case:
deleteFriendRequest u/katespades
Expected: Successfully deleted friend request of user : katespades
Deleting an invalid friend request
Prerequisites: User is logged in as meena567. meena567 does not have a friend request from katespades
Test case:
deleteFriendRequest u/katespades
Expected: Sorry, that User did not send you a friend request.
Deleting friends
Deleting a valid friend
Prerequisites: User is logged in as meena567. meena567 is friends with katespades
Test case:
deleteFriend u/katespades
Expected: Successfully deleted friend with username: katespades
Deleting an invalid friend request
Prerequisites: User is logged in as meena567. meena567 is not friends with katespades
Test case:
deleteFriend u/katespades
Expected: Sorry, the friend that you want to delete does not exist in your list of friends
Adding groups
Adding a valid group
Prerequisites: User is logged in as meena567 and wants to add a group with name CS2103. CS2103 is not the name of any other group in Makan Book.
Test case:
addGroup g/CS2103
Expected: Group created: CS2103
Adding an invalid group
Prerequisites: User is logged in as meena567 and wants to add a group with name CS2103. However, there exists another group with name CS2103.
Test case:
addGroup u/CS2103
Expected: Sorry, a group with that name exists. Please choose a different group name.
Accepting groups
Accepting a valid group request
Prerequisites: User is logged in as meena567. meena567 has a group request from CS2103
Test case:
acceptGroup g/CS2103
Expected: Successfully accepted group request of: CS2103
Accepting an invalid group request
Prerequisites: User is logged in as meena567. meena567 does not have a group request from CS2103
Test case:
acceptGroup g/CS2103
Expected: Sorry, that group is not in your group requests' list.
Adding members to groups
Adding all valid members
Prerequisites: User is logged in as meena567 and meena567 is part of group CS2103. meena567 wants to add users who are not part of the group and have previously received group request.
Test case:
addMembers g/CS2103 u/katespades u/thejrlinguist
Expected: Members added to group: CS2103=[katespades, thejrlinguist]
Adding some members who are part of the group
Prerequisites: User is logged in as meena567 and meena567 is part of group CS2103. meena567 wants to add users thejrlinguist and katespades to the group. However, thejrlinguist is already part of the group but katespades is not.
Test case:
addMembers g/CS2103 u/katespades u/thejrlinguist
Expected: Sorry, username to be added is in the group. No users were added to the group.-
Even though katespades is not a part of the group, the command will not add any members to the group as thejrlinguist is already inside the group.
Adding users who already have a group request
Prerequisites: User is logged in as meena567 and meena567 is part of group CS2103. meena567 wants to add katespades to the group. However, katespades already has a request to the group.
Test case:
addMembers g/CS2103 u/katespades
Expected: Sorry, User already has a request for that group.
Deleting group requests
Deleting a valid group request
Prerequisites: User is logged in as meena567. meena567 has a group request from CS2103
Test case:
deleteGroupRequest g/CS2103
Expected: Successfully deleted group request of group : CS2103
Deleting an invalid group request
Prerequisites: User is logged in as meena567. meena567 does not have a group request from CS2103
Test case:
deleteGroupRequest g/CS2103
Expected: Sorry, you do not have that group request
Deleting group
Deleting a valid group
Prerequisites: User is logged in as meena567. meena567 is part of CS2103 group
Test case:
deleteGroup g/CS2103
Expected: Successfully deleted group with name: CS2103
Deleting an invalid group
Prerequisites: User is logged in as meena567. meena567 is not in CS2103 group
Test case:
deleteGroup g/CS2103
Expected: Sorry, the group that you want to delete does not exist in your list of groups